All About The Zombie Cast

"I was raised on horror in the 1980's, watching all the classics on the silver screen. Zombies have crushed it since the start of its genre for as long as they are slow. 'Dawn of the Dead' was my go to film as a kid as it struck fear in my soul. That fear of the nick of a tooth to get infected wins for fear in horror."

-- Shawn Freeman

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"I was born into 80's horror and raised by 'Tales From The Crypt'. I've been drawn to horror and sci-fi since I was assigned to Earth. I'm a bit more squeamish than I used to be, but still can't turn down a creepy flick. My favorites include 'Event Horizon', 'The Thing', 'Cube', 'Paranormal Activity', and 'The Cabin in the Woods'"

-- Matt Bradford

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"I'm a fan of all 80's cheesy movies. 'Star Wars' lover and video gamer since the age of four, and couch hugger with the lights on when watching scary movies! Sean Astin is still my heart throb, but my fav movie line of all time is 'Maybe the monsters got em."

-- Norma Late

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"I was a kid in the 80's, a time when video stores still existed and any kid could walk in on a Friday night and rent anything they wanted without parental supervision. I watched 'Friday the 13th', 'The Exorcist', 'I Spit On Your Grave' and many more at a young age, and developed a fascination with horror that only grew stronger as I got older. My favorite movie all time is John Carpenter's 'Halloween' and I'm always drawn to anything horror related, from conventions, to trivia events, to watching Joe Bob on a Friday night."

-- Ted Bracewell

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